Friday, February 25, 2011

What’s next after facebook?

We all know that first it was MySpace. And then it was multiply. and then there was facebook and twitter. now there's tumblr, plurk and formspring.
Time magazine named Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg its “Person of the Year” for 2010. The 26-year-old Internet star and philanthropist, in part, “for creating a new system of exchanging information that has become both indispensable and sometimes a little scary.”

There is little doubt that Facebook is a success and might even stick around for a while. But this is today. Every day you heard a friend, colleague or staff member said how to open a facebook account, sound irritating. Facebook has become the sosial network for any most of the people whoes know how to connect to the internet . The trend is become popular each day.

So what do you think will be Zuckerberg’s legacy in 10 years?

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